Twenty-six-year-old Cedar Hawk Songmaker, adopted daughter of a pair of Minneapolis. Also, the player should focus on only one character, as once they are strong enough they can easily farm Ultra Sacred Waters to level up the other character and any support characters. Louise Erdrich paints a startling portrait of a young woman fighting for her life and her unborn child against oppressive forces that manifest in the wake of a cataclysmic event in this dystopian novel.

Simply continue fighting the strongest incarnation of Whis' training that the player can beat, being sure to use the Sacred Waters in between each fight to make things easier. Learn about species-level evolution, natural selection, gene flow, and genetic drift. Not only will each match award the player with experience, but Whis then gives the player 10 or more Sacred Waters, items that grant a set amount of experience. Microevolution is affected by different factors, such as environmental and internal factors regarding the species. If the player has the DLC, completing Whis' Super Level Up Trainings is by far the fastest and easiest way to hit max level. Combining both of these methods will ensure the player gets the most out of the time they spend grinding. Next, the player should make sure they eat a full-course meal that grants experience, the best one being the Super Deluxe Meat Course. For starters, make sure that the training community board is completely leveled up, as this will double the amount of experience the player gains from combat. The maximum level in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is level 250, but to get there players will need to do a little bit of set up.